Wednesday, January 21, 2009

` as promised

Hi people.

I have a friend who's single and available; currently considering chances of meeting a lifetime partner. Guys who think you're hot enough, please contact me and i'll hook you up. But of course, preferably, female. I try not to encourage homosexuality (esp cos it's a he, in this case). He will make a good friend and partner, ever-willing to help and always ready to lend you an ear. He keeps secrets quite well (when he wants to, that is). He has an imposing sense of humour, and has the ability to serenade you while playing his guitar. He likes to takei. If he had 5 dollars in his wallet, he will pay RM2 to the cab driver to take him to Blitzone and pay RM3 to takei. That is living proof that if he likes doing whatever it is he decides to put his mind to, he will go all the wayyyy + sacrifices, of course. :)

Carefully evaluate the following:

he is very kewl v(=_=)v
just like the emoticon. Heh.

very ban cute
kawaii :)

also full time ban kewl! :)

heh. Don't kill me la keni.
Friend friend mah.

Any takers? :)

kenny. says: (1:51:10 AM)
im bored
kenny. says: (1:51:12 AM)
can you blog about me

Goodnight. :) Thanks for being who you are. Don't marah ya. heh

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