Monday, May 12, 2008

` shadow proves the sunshine

As we all know, yesterday was Mother's day. Yeahp yeahp. Besides the pie, I actually made my mom another present. *winks* Will update on that soon, with pics.

Anyway, here's a random convo I had with my grams a couple of years back.

You must be careful when you go out.
Yes ma.
Even with the closest of your friends.
Later, if anything were to happen, the friend you trust most might not be the ones who will be there to stand up for you.
Uh huh. But no la, you know I can trust some people, namely (insert name here). I think, I would even trust that person with my life.
Just be careful.

Hahaha. She was right all the while. She was so right. Sucks to know how right the older people can get at times.
Just as the shadow proves the sunshine, you proved my grams right.
I'm out of here. Gonna run to a class now.

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