Wednesday, May 20, 2009

` under the sea

I like, I like, I like!

Okay. I know i'm like very backdated with 'em movies. Oh well. I suddenly found time (which I have a feeling I'm gonna lose very soon. hah). I went to watch this with the fats, who picked me up from prayer meet, where I was baby/child-sitting SEVEN kids owhkay *sweat blood*. Thank God my sister is growing, and she listens, so does the Heng 1 & 3. The rest were like ZOMGDNS FTW. Fine, i'll let J be the baby he is, only cos he's a baby. =_=

I can't believe we spent the day in class trying to disperse ourselves evenly, working so hard on that, then failing miserably right after the movie. haha. We suck, man. =_= And why must it be a compulsory event that I had to miss? And I wanna play dress up too, I DO! *sulks. hah. Well oh well. :( And blardy goodness, now I have to write a letter to excuse myself from playing dress up. How exciting. =_= And lunch was too much, while I attempted to cut back on the degree of embarassment I was causing myself.

Ps. "I have two balls", "Me too!", "Is this lift the appropriate place to say these things?"
Bell, seriously? haha.

Ah yes, I could get used to the airplane. I can feel the leaving-my-heart-behind feeling already. Three cheers for the champion who created the airplane. Ah. :) If the RATS give me that adrenaline, I'm all in it. :) I hope it'll happen! Oh and I finally found a bunch of people who enjoy "extreme sports". Ohwellokay there's no class tomorrow and I can't believe i'm going back without being forced.

So many questions
I Need an answer
Two years later
he's still on my mind.

Thank you for remembering, dear.
As for prayers, hah. It's about time.
The week will be over soon,
And when it's over, I'll be right here, as always.
Deal's on. *bear hug*

Good day, today.


Kalvin Khoo said...

Yeh!! This agreat movie. I love it... :)

By the way, nice blog. :)


missmi-chelle said...

Yeah it was a nice movie. Thanks.