Thursday, September 13, 2007

` artistic beautiful forever there friend

Dear everyone, seasons greetings!

Kepada mereka yang beragama Islam, Selamat Berpuasa and Berbuka puasa! =)

Did you all know, i have this one friend, who's ever so caring.

If she feels that i'm sounding abit emo-fied or whatsoever, she persists to know what its about.

If i don't reply her on MSN, my phone starts ringing/vibrating.

I've known her since the beginning of high school, in other words, since i was 13.

The past we had was memorable indeed and unforgettable. Moments i will always cherish.

eg. staircase and all with "the gang". (clint, daryll, raf, josh, jon, anne and i)

omgsh. we're all so grown up now!

She constantly drives me up the gym mirrors. Literally.


Because, when she's on the treadmill taking it "slow",

she jogs/runs for goodness knows how long.

Imagine how i feel next to her when i'm barely even brisk walking.

She yells at me or tells me off when i procrastinate.

She probably is the reason i constantly examine my conscience.

Believe me when i said she's very down to earth.

Guys, she does not submit to sweet talking okay! haha.

She drives a huge volvo station wagon T5 around okay, so don't piss her off!

She might just ram right into you!

I think it's Laura's and my fault that she drives the way she does now. haha. *shivers.

Anne, thank you for segala-galanya.

i told you she can draw! haha. We didn't stay there long enough to see the finish up though. Hmmmm... there's alot more i can say about you but words will never be enough to explain our friendship


Now, besides her,

there's this one crazy girl i got to know a couple of years back, thanks to you know who's

"Can't live with em, can't live without em", we used to say.

Now? "Oh puhlease.. Move on in life!"

She's amazingly stunningly crazy. And she never fails to go crazy with me!

I spend hours on my worn out knees pleading with the almighty about not shopping.

*whoosh* she appears! and we shop till we drop while Anne runs and hide. hehe

Anne REALLY runs for cover. She cannot stand the way we go shopping. haha.

I know I can share so much with her cos apparently we have traits in common.

Whats better is, what i don't eat, she does. And vice versa. =)

We paint our nails when we get depressed.

We sing (or more like yell) our lungs out when we get upset or when we're celebrating.

And when we start dancing? haha.

We make great fool of ourselves! (wait. dont we always? LOL) Don't mess!

After all we've been through Laura, thank you for putting up with me n my emo-ness!

Did i mention that this LAURA can draw!?!?

which makes me wonder, am i the only artistically disinclined one? *sigh!

but at least, I AM BLESSED with these babes that'll stick up for me!

we've all grown together in so many ways

in friendship, faith and love

thanks for always being there, emo-ing right next to me.

sama-sama, kita akan beremo-ing.



i stole this (literally) from my sisters blog. LOL


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