Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life is full of ups and downs. *deep breaths

Found this short blog (short, being that you can finish browsing the entire thing within 5-7 clicks? I can't remember). Anyway, uber sweet post-its!

I'll survive you, life. 

And you'd think after passing your teenhood, we'd be a little less effing retardedly childish in life. FTS. Turns out, no one ever grows up. Me included IF you wanted to ask me why i'm being fking judgemental. Fking rage. I actually contemplated throwing my bloody lap top out of the window. What a conclusion to two nice weeks of holiday. FML. kthxbai.

If this weren't a public blog i'd be cursing a whole lot more. Seriously. Sorry. 

And don't ANYONE bloody judge me based on my blog. 

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