Wednesday, March 16, 2011

of reading OLD emails

Loving the new colours Starbucks has added. So pretty, it makes our weekly Tuesday morning coffee rituals so much brighter. :) Also, Rocky Road pops!
And incase you're wondering.. i still saved a spot for u as my bridesmaid... 
And I suppose that there are some things in life we can take back, and some that we can't. Go figure.  Life, kononnya.

Anyhow, days are terribly warm nowadays? Nights especially! 6-7 degrees. T.T Never imagined that there would come a day where I could say that. MOMMY is u proudz? Favourite place tomorrow! 0_0

I hope my packages come before I leave tho. And also those coming from far far away, from home. Also, I have decided that BrandAlley's service is mildly ... annoying. Not planning to buy from them again, anytime soon. I reckon that they're the worst online thingamajig so far (entirely personal opinion). Even packages from HongKong and the US have been shipped (purchases were made 2 weeks after the one in BrandAlley). Absolutely vexing (AH just realised that I haven't said "vexing" in a long time. Random thought!). Just hope the stuff gets here before April. *cross. Also noticed that I'm back to my old habit of random typing and the use of many (albeit unecessary!!) parentheses. Horrible habit. Did that in my proposal (nope, not just for in-text citations). T.T *shy. 

Exciting weekend coming up! Have no idea where I'm actually going; just know where I'm supposed to meet the group, and at what time. Talk about ignorance! Ahhhh. Anyhow, exciting weekend coming up (yes, I realise I'm repeating myself). Just can't wait for a proper getaway from work, and the fears, worries, the internet (including internet shopping), and most of all, thoughts of shopping. I'm supposed to pack light. T.T how does one do that!

On a lighter note, I'm done with my proposal.

Note to self: Stationary for Monday tutorial group.

Namaste, people! Have a blessed week and lent and weekend. :) Also, should thank Dr. Lim for the advice to use the "soft" toothbrush - I now use it to burst ulcers very effectively without hurting my gums :D

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